Image via WiWashington, United States of America (CNN) - asked the U.S. on security, health science centers, it intends to publish a report about a new strain and the deadly bird flu have been manufactured in the laboratory, stop the display of their information, and the fear of leakage of some details that may considered to be serious.
The Dutch have a laboratory and another U.S. manufactures a new strain of the H5N1 virus has a great ability to spread rapidly and cause death, under a research animal species of mongoose, which are similar to their bodies in response to the flu with the response of humans.
And was due to the laboratory Netherlands published a report about the experience in the journal "Science" to be published with his U.S. counterpart his report in the journal "Nature," but the Medical Advisory Board for Health Security, an independent body to advise the Ministry of Health of America, expressed concern about the detection confidentiality of certain information in the reports.

Kiam said Paul, a member of the Council who reviewed the reports: "I do not believe that those reports should be published the form in which we saw him, as will be eliminated by the methods used and results in order to prevent anyone from trying to repeat the experience."
He continued by saying Kiam "bird flu among the most dangerous viruses and spread among mammals is a step towards the spread among human populations, the disease can be transmitted from one human to another by natural means or through the laboratory, and in these cases, it will not be good for our world."
Kiam said that the publication of reports does not confer legal consequences, but added that the rate of death from the virus, which scientists have been manufactured to a 60 per cent, which is very high and can not be interpreted currently, justified concern about the dissemination of information about him.
He pointed to the existence of Kiam talks currently underway on the preparation of drafts of new reports, but stressed the freedom to decide on the content of the published material in the end.
The Bruce Albert, the chief editors of the journal "Science", he said he supports the work of the Medical Advisory Board for Health Security and understands his role, but at the same time stressed the need to provide information to the body of the medical world about the real risks in order to protect the people.