The percentage increase of 10% The use of social sites faster prevalent in Egypt and Russia
The percentage increase of 10%
A report issued by the Center for "Bio" for research on the use of modern techniques of social networking in 21 countries, both in Egypt and Russia before the stages of the world regarding the use of electronic means of social communication.
The report showed that the population of poor countries send SMS messages more than the population-rich countries, while the men used in both Spain and Germany the Internet on their phone more intelligent than women.
The report also noted that the phenomenon of SMS text messaging is the most prevalent globally, in the countries surveyed show that 75% of mobile owners use the service.
Did not change the use of social networking sites as "Facebook and Twitter" between 2010 and 2011, except for Egypt, which increased the proportion of use of social networking sites from 18% last year, to 28% this year, in addition to Russia, which increased the proportion of use of social networking sites 33% to 43%.
The social networking sites as "Facebook and Twitter" one of the tools that sparked the revolution in Egypt and led to the fall of the regime of former President Hosni Mubarak, said observers, the social networking sites contributed to the mobilization of the demonstrations in Moscow, when tens of thousands of Russians to the streets to demonstrate against the Parliament in the issue of rigged elections.
The survey sample ranged between 700 and 4000 people in 21 countries, and most other results published by the report were Indonesia, Kenya, the two most states use two SMS messaging, as the figure was 96% and 89% respectively, while did not exceed this percentage to 67% in United States of America.
As in Spain, reaching the proportion of males who use the Internet via their mobile phones to 29% compared with 13% of the females, while the ratio in Germany 26% to 11% in Turkey, 30% to 14%, according to the network "CNN's" American.
The percentage of users of social sites in the United States to 50% compared with both India and Pakistan, the figure reached in each of them to 5% and 2% respectively.