Engineer describes Google Glass interface

Engineer describes Google Glass interface
An engineer who was lucky enough to wear Google Glass, has revealed what it is like to wear the device. Before Google starts calling its legal team, let's make it clear that this has nothing to do with the "hackathon" that was held in San Francisco last week. You might remember that Google is requiring an NDA from those who are receiving the Google Glass they pre-ordered last year at Google I/O. But in this case, Soumya Mohan is an engineer who got to try on the device at a tech talk at Stanford.

Right now, the UI for Google Glass is considered to be crude
Right now, the UI for Google Glass is considered to be crude
According to Mohan, the current UI is crude with a small number of options written in white against a black background. Options include "Click a picture," "Shoot a video," and "Voice call". There are a small number of options that the user can scroll through by tilting his head. There is also a small touchpad on the side of Google Glass and voice controls. 

The description of the UI suggests that Google Glass has a ways to go before we see it become that amazing device that Google presented in the original video (see below). Even so, the Mountain View gang continues to work hard on the project. Recently we told you about the patent application Google filed for bone conduction audio. Eventually, all of the pieces will come together in what we hope will be one truly awesome device.

source: Quora via AndroidAuthority

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